lunedì 8 ottobre 2012

Mirliton is my new God !

As I walked through the stands of Novegro ( Hobby Model Expo 2012)  I came across these crazy Tuscan family. They are the Mirliton and are reprinting  (pure white metal) ALL  -and I mean all-   the amazing old Grenadier miniatures production. Beautiful, perfectly printed and reproduced in great detail. They bought the original molds and they are really doing a crazy job to bring to light these masterpieces disappeared. I immediately bought a medium Shire Dragon... beautiful, and then I saw the incredible GOBLIN WAR GIANT ... almost 2 kg of pure metal. AMAZING. The prices are fair and on the site there are all the news available. Please.. go ahead!

2 commenti:

  1. Are these newly re-released - if that makes sense?

    I knew they had quite a lot of old grenadier stuff before but this looks like I need to take a second look!

  2. Love Grenadier and happy Mirliton is re releasing them. I run a blog dedicated to Grenadier mins if your interested,
