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mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

Great Marauder Chimera MM44

 Uscita nel 1990 questa a mio parere è una delle Chimere meglio riuscite: è piccola ma disegnata bene e alternava diversi tipi di pezzi tra cui scegliere: There were 4 alternate heads (Eagle or Ram, Boar or Rat) and 4 alternate tails (Scorpion, Lizard, Lion or Tentacle).

Quella che ho recuperato su eBay ha bisogno di essere pulita e sistemata ma mantiene ancora tutto il suo fascino!
Sculpted back in the 1990 is in my opinion of the most cool Chimeras ever made: is small but well designed and alternated between different types of pieces to choose from: There Were 4 alternate heads (Eagle or Ram, Boar or rat) and 4 alternate tails (Scorpion, Lizard, Lion or Tentacle).

The one that I recovered on eBay needs to be cleaned and placed, but I'm really excited to paint this nice piece!

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