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mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

Nice building for a great Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Realistic battlefield needs care. Nothing better than building with wood, an infinite number of houses and cottages to make things even better. It takes time but the result is truly amazing. U do not need more Plastic Prefabricated houses  you find in the store. With the wood, the effect is much more realistic and cool. 
Se proprio volete comprare le case in negozio fatelo, altrimenti con poche e semplici mosse si possono progettare e costruire piccoli gioielli in legno di balsa. Il segreto sta nel costruire le case in modo che i modelli possano poi interagire con le costruzioni. Prevedete dei camminamenti, magari dei livelli sui quali poter salire (torri di vedetta o piani alti per gli arceri e i maghi). Il dettaglio della colorazione è fondamentale. Aggungete un paio di radici secche e arba a piacere per aumentare l'effetto. Per il tetto usate il cartoncino, tagliate le strisce di carta, incollatele e modellatele a mo di ardesia.

If you really want to buy expensive houses in the shop do it, otherwise with a few simple steps you can design and build with balsa wood a great Warhammer house. Plan of the trenches, perhaps the levels on which to climb (watch towers and upper floors for archers and mages). All the details are essential. You can add a couple of dried roots and arba as desired to enhance the effect. For the roof, use paper, cut the paper strips, glue and cut it again to give them the right shape.
If u want to add more details, use the paper from the Warhammer Town Scape book. It's really hard to find on eBay, but you can also download a great PDF version online. This great book is full of small detalis to glue all over the building. Add some grass and voilà, you don't need Games Workshop-trash-plastic any more!
 Le pareti lisce di base, vanno decorate poi con strisce di balsa più sottili per costruire la finta armatura della casa. Con un paio di incroci giusti darete subito un bel sapore all'edificio!

The smooth walls of the base, are then decorated with strips of balsa wood to build more subtle reinforcement and to give the right look to the medieval "danish" house. With just a couple of intersections will give a nice look to the building!

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